“The library is the heart of the school, It’s the hub”
To inculcate the reading habit, every child, right from preparatory school is exposed to the immeasurable world of books. The library for tiny tots is full of fairy tales, little adventure stories, fables, comics etc. The main library is equipped with a copious array of Encyclopaedias, Dictionaries, Biographies, Fiction and Non-fiction books to gratify the unending quest for knowledge. The school library follows an open access system for classes 2 to 12 whereby the students visit the library in the period assigned to them. They spend quality time going through book shelves, selecting the book and reading. The books are issued to them for a Week. Besides this classes Pre-Nursery to 8 have class library which is a collection of books carefully picked to suit the age and develop a certain level of language proficiency. The library extends beyond its physical boundaries by lending books to various laboratories and the senior students enjoy the privilege of issuing subject related books. One page of the diary is dedicated to record the books issued and read by students.
Reference section
This section houses the main reference collection, which is non-circulating and includes encyclopedias, language dictionaries, biographical dictionaries, handbooks, atlases and directories.
Professional development and teacher resources
This area is dedicated to teachers and their varied needs. There are variety of resources covering a range of topics including curriculum planning, budgeting, differentiation, appraisal, bullying in schools and how to cope with children who have learning disabilities and special needs.
Multimedia resources
The school has a collection multimedia resources, which can be easily accessed by students as well as staff in the library.
Periodicals and news updates
This corner contains a collection of around 15 periodicals and 7 newspapers encouraging everyone to keep themselves updated about the happenings in and around the world.